Steve Jobs

The Assis.Founder of Apple

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shahrukh khans Biography

Shahrukh Khan    Shahrukh khans Biography Nick Name SRK ShahrukhKing Khan The King Of Romance The King of BollywoodThe Tom Cruise of IndiaThe Badshah of Bollywood Commonly Known as King khan Date of Birth 2 November, 1965 Birth Place New Delhi Father’s Name Mir Taj Mohammad Mother’s Name Fatima Begum Sister’s Name Shehnaaaz Contact Address Mannat, Band Stand, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050, India. Education...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tony Blair biography

Tony Blair Tony Blair biographyAt present Tony Blair biography is one of the parts of History. Anthony Charles Linton Blair was born on 06 May 1953 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Blair is married to barrister Cherie Booth. They have three sons and one daughter. Tony Blair traces his political genesis to the paralysis of his father. In 1963, when Blair was 11, his father suffered a stroke while campaigning for a conservative seat in Parliament. Blair’s upbringing was privileged. His father was a law...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

maryam mother of isa

maryam mother of isa The mother of Prophet Isa (AS) was maryam whose father was called Imran and her other was called Hannah. Allah chose Imran and his family for his special blessings. maryam grew up to be a very pious and spiritual woman under the guardianship of Hazrat Zakaria (AS) who taught her of the one God…..Allah. She spent most of her time praying in her room and devoting herself to the service of Allah. Her piety was so great that even elders respected her and took inspiration from her. The people around her knew very little of the...

The crucifixion of jesus ideology

The crucifixion of jesus ideology There are many questions about the crucifixion of jesus.The return of jesus again in the world was proclaimed by the holy Quran. The jews were looking for a chance to harm isa allah. They planned and plotted against him and finally went to the Roman Governor, Pilate, to complain against the ‘young man’ who was becoming a danger to the government. They blamed him for poisoning the minds of the people against the government and against their own religion. The Roman governor was not ready to believe anything that...

Prophet jesus in islam

Prophet jesus in islamProphet jesus in islam is the messenger of Allah. Isa (AS) the son of Maryam, also called the Masih in the Quran, grew up to be a virtuous young man. Prophet isa was a soft spoken and humble person. When isa allah was nearly 30 years old, Allah began sending revelations to him instructing him to call the lost Jews back to the right way of life. Prophet Isa (AS) announced from village to village his messege of love, justice and true sincerity to Allah. As many of the Jews disbelieved his call, Allah granted him the power to...

Monday, November 21, 2011

The story of the birth of jesus

The story of the birth of jesusThe story of the birth of Jesus was very important for world people, because Maryam was alone and all by herself, when her baby was born. She named him Isa as the angel had told her before. After resting and nursing the baby for sometime, she realized that she could not raise him on her own. He had to grow up in a community and learn the knowledge of his faith and people. So she decided to return home. But she wondered how she would be welcomed? How could she explain the birth of the child? All these thoughts made...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The prophet of allah

The Prophet of Allah is the religious view of Islam. The Quran is the complete and final message of Allah to mankind. However it is not the first or the only message. Islam to teach us that Allah has sent his messengers or prophets to this earth many times to carry his message and to show man the right way. These prophets spoke about Allah the creator, as the One and Only God, His commands, His laws, His mercy and compassion and tried to guide their people correctly. However each time people forgot the message of Allah and drew away from His teachings....

Monday, November 14, 2011


The Mauryan Dynasty In 321 BC the Mauryan dynasty began in the Ganges civilization. An Aryan king conquered most of India and ruled over a great empire. In 268 BC his grandson, Asoka, became king. By this time all India was in the Mauryan empire except the south and Kalinga on the east coast. Asoka (268-231 BC) Asoka was one of the greatest kings of all time. He was born a Hindu. Asoka defeated the kalingans in a terrible war. 100 000 men were killed and 150 000 became prisoners. Many hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes. Asoka was...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The rise and fall of Julius Caesar

The man who did most to make Rome great was Julius Caesar. He was a nobleman, a lawyer and a politician. Above all he was a great army leader. Julius Caesar planned many of the battles which won land for Rome. Julius Caesar wrote books about how to win battles. Many of these books are still read by soldiers today. The life of Julius Caesar In 59 BC Julius Caesar was made a consul in Rome. From 58 to 49 BC he led the RomanArmies and conquered present-day France, Belgium and parts of Switzerland. In 55 and 54 BC he invaded England but did not...

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